Hostel advice?

FiorellaM has indicated that this thread is about Europe

You're traveling to some of the world's most expensive cities. Try Airbnb as an alternative. During summer, some schools open student housing to travelers. Some churches offer accommodations, too. Go online to check.

"a bit of a tight budget", is a meaningless phrase FiorellaM unless you DEFINE it. What I consider a tight budget may be very different from what you consider a tight budget. You need to state what budget you are looking at per day and what it has to include or not.

Received wisdom is that someone backpacking in W. Europe; staying in hostels; eating supermarket food; affording the odd beer or museum entry needs a minimum of around 60 Euros per day and that does not include transportation. That's basically a 'survival' budget and to enjoy yourself you need however much more per day.

By the way, you are planning to visit 7 cities, not Europe. Europe does not consist solely of cities, so tell it like it is, a tour of some cities IN Europe.

You might also want to say how much time you plan to have for this trip. I'd want at least 7 weeks for 7 cities although personally, I tend to avoid cities and spend my time in smaller towns and villages. Anyway, the point is, that if you plan to do this in 2 weeks, you will get a whole different set of responses than if you plan on 7 weeks.

Hostel advice?

Hostel advice?

Hostel advice?

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