Solo Travel

I'm currently thinking of traveling to Australia to do a year working holiday visa, But solo. my friends are either in college or not interested in going at the moment and I just want to get out of here. The only thing stopping me from going for it is fear. I've been doing research and even reading other people's stories on traveling alone but it's still not taking the fear away. It's fear of not having anyone to talk to or go out with at the beginning and I don't even know where abouts to start off in Australia, I'm 21 and from Ireland and was thinking of going in Feb/ March is that a bad time? I was in Sydney for 3 months in January but I had people over there at the time so I had no worries and being there for a long but short space of time has made me want to go back so bad!! Does anyone have any advice??

There are no bad times to be in Australia, nor bad places for starting. However, between December and March I'd generally avoid the north due to the wet season, which most people would consider less pleasant.

Still, that leaves more than enough places for starting out at in Feb/March. It doesn't really matter where you start. Sydney is a popular place simply due to being the major international hub, but Melbourne or even Adelaide works just as well.

Having people to talk with should not be a worry at all. Just plant yourself on a couch in the lounge of whatever hostel you'll find yourself at, or go cook a meal in its kitchen, and before you'll know it there'll be fellow travelling complimenting your cooking skills or just generally starting up a conversation. There are many other solo travellers, and most would be just as grateful for some company as you would be.
Going out with others depends a bit more on your social skills, I'd say, with how much of a connection you make, but many hostels organize regular scheduled activities that should help a bit with getting to know each other a bit better.

I did consecutive WHVs for New Zealand and Australia when I was 24, very shy and introverted, and that was one of the best experiences of my life, shaping everything good which has come my way since. I'm still a proud introvert, but much more confident, with long-term travel in my blood, and it all started there. If I could do it, I don't see any reason why you can't.

"A life lived in fear is a half life lived" This quote has done nothing but enrich my life more than I could have imagined through the fear. The fear will be there, but you already have the drive and passion and that is what will push you past the fear and make it all happen. I have also traveled alone and prefer it that way. You do end up meeting so many people!! I have heard from other travellers that they wished they were travelling alone so they didn't need to go with the other persons itinerary or timing. I also believe you end up meeting more people because you are alone, you are forced to open up out of your shell and it is a beautiful growing experience. Wishing you the best

Agree wholeheartedly with earthsea and Sander, especially this, "you end up meeting more people because you are alone, you are forced to open up out of your shell and it is a beautiful growing experience."

If you reach out, others will respond.

Even experienced travelers have trepidations. But once on the road, those anxieties seem to melt away. They do with age, too. The older I get, the less I seem to worry.

[ 12-Oct-2016, at 02:57 by berner256 ]

Solo travel

Solo travel

Solo travel

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