Hello, All the members on the board, My name is Ameline and I am a new comer here. I joined this community a few minutes ago and now happy to be an active part of it. I registered it because I am a big lover of traveling and here I can see lots of relevant stuff. I am hopeful will have a nice time here with all of you.
Hi! my name is Bogdan, I'm from Ukraine, I'm joined this forum few minutes ago too, and I want learn information about world travels and tell here about my travels they were few, but I have received from them a lot of impressions
Hello, Bogdan. It's really nice to see you here as a new member. You know what, I am also a big lover of traveling and like to share my experiences with others as well as get informative material about it from people too. Hopefully, We will have a nice conversation on the board. Let's start the conversation by sharing the favorite places? Will you like o share here n or not?
Hello, my name is Liz. I just joined . I am Keen to travel to India this year. Hopefully in the next few months. I am keen to chat to others who have been, meet a travel buddy and learn as much as I can. I am really keen to explore the spiritual India. Visiting ashrams, yoga teaching certificate and travelling around. Has anyone or is anyone interested in travel to India? Or is interested in yoga? Nice to meet you all. Liz
[ 01-Oct-2016, at 13:49 by Ewensing ]
Well, here all of the member are travelling lovers, so now I would like to introduce that I am also a lover of outing and travel too. so I would like tos ay that I had also visited India at once its many of the cities are best for as travelling but its Taj Mahal attraction is too good for visit...
Hello, juliyya , It's really good to see that you are also a traveling freaks same like us and love to exp[lore the beauty of places to have a fun time. Taj Mahal is really the best destination and an example of love and history. I have also viewed it once and had an awesome time.
Halo, it's KP. (K for Ko=Mr. and P for Phyo), therefore Ko Phyo or Mr.Phyo. Great to have you here on this forum. I am quite new to this forum but been in tourism and travel environment for more than half decade. My passion in traveling and virtue to share the experience and exchange knowledge are the style of life I really want to be. Please feel free to ask me anything you might need to visit our lovely land, golden land or smiling land, whatever you named, Myanmar (Burma).
Welcome to Myanmar!
Hi! my name is Ramakant, I'm from India, I'm joined this forum recently.
Hi, i am arjun rishi, just joined to this forum to gain knowledge about travelling.

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