Australia 2013


3 months won't allow you to see everything, but is definitely longer than most people get to go (excepting backpackers on a Working Holiday Visa), and you should be able to get a pretty decent overview of both countries. I'd recommend spending the time about equally between the two countries; New Zealand might be a lot smaller, but worthwhile things to see are packed much more densely, and you could easily spend the full three months there without getting bored.

Assuming that within Australia you want to stick to the classic highlights, I'd recommend starting in Cairns in October and working your way down the coast, which will allow you to avoid the start of the wet season up north (December onwards). In 6-7 weeks you should be able to skip down the coast from Cairns to Melbourne and hit most highlights. Then when summer starts heating up and 30+ temperatures start making things unpleasant in Australia, you can head for New Zealand. With six weeks there, I'd spend about two weeks on the North Island, and four on the South Island, depending on your interests.

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Thank you for the reply given me a lot to think about. Is October a good time to go? Am debating whether it would be better to go in Jan 2014 (am in very early stages of planning this!!)

Australia 2013

Australia 2013

Australia 2013

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