Hey, It's pretty easy to meet other backpackers. It's inevitable, unless you are intending to stay hidden away in hotels or single rooms.
Dorm rooms are good places to meet travellers and go through the usual set of travelling questions... where have you been, where are you going, who are you travelling with, what do you recommend etc.
Then you have the social areas of hostels, kitchens, internet rooms. Easy. Most people you meet will not necessarily become friends but who needs lots? They key is just to get talking to people, before you know it you'll be having a social drink and they will know someone else who know someone else and so on. Best way to do it especially if you are looking for work. Half the work I've found in Aus and NZ has been through a friend or someone a friend knows who knows a phone number of someone looking for work.
For me the key to travelling alone though, is to know that there will be times when perhaps you do reach out to make contact and for whatever reason there is nothing going on.... maybe others are in groups or preoccupied. Sometimes as a lone backpacker you do end up sitting there on your own and thinking hmmm. You just have to be prepared to accept these moments and take them for what they are, a lull in general activity. I'm a naturally quiet and introverted type but have never had a problem making travel buddies around Australia. There are all types out there... drinkers, extroverts, loud, quiet, thoughtful people, groups, couples, individuals, funny people, annoying people.
I was also 28 when I finally kicked my ass into going travelling, something I had wanted to do for an age. 3 years later and I haven't been home.
I took around 3000 pounds I guess, but most of that disappeared in the first month, not working, staying in a hostel, buying a car, paying for expensive repairs t car. Whatever you take, it's easy to find work and pay in Australia is great.
Never used greyhound but will make the 12 hour Melbourne to Sydney journey in a couple of months.
Good luck with everything. I'm sure you will have a great time.
Also, I've been told about the Greyhound Bus that I believe travels around Australia/NZ/USA... Has anyone used this as a means of getting around? If so, would you recommend it?
I don't know if I'd recommend them for the USA, and they don't exist in New Zealand (the equivalent bus company there is , which are great), but yeah, in Australia they're a good way to get around; probably the most common transport option for backpackers to get to most places in Australia.
Never used greyhound but will make the 12 hour Melbourne to Sydney journey in a couple of months.
FWIW, on that stretch tends to be a bit cheaper (though it can depend on how much in advance you book).
Thanks for the advice guys!
If you go to Australia with the intention of working as u travel, how easy is it to find work if you don't intend on staying in the same place for too long? My ideal would be to see the whole of Oz, so I would be on the move quite a bit during a 12 month period. Does that hinder your chances of finding work?
Sorry for all the questions!!

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