Bangkok - Last 2 weeks of april; looking for female buddy

looking for female travel buddy to tour around bangkok. pretty much familar with the city itself.. will be doing some shoppping, tailoring for business wear and some partying as well.

Any female travelling buddy you get may leave in the middle of the first night with all your money, credit cards, passport and anything else valuable and you will never see her again.

If you want a girl, pick up one from a bar so that if she vanishes with your stuff (unlikely, because), the other girls there will know and tell the police where to find her.

Thats a kind reminder buddy =)

i think that goes the same with guys too, we should always keep an open eye especially in a foreign country.

Yes, that is a potential problem with travelling with someone you have just met for the first time. Most people you will encounter are honest but if you pick a bad one, it can ruin your holiday.

There are other things to be considered too. Not so bad with a woman but a guy I talked to said another guy he palled up with as they were going a similar route climbed into bed with him in the middle of the night. He kicked the guy out and they parted next morning.

[ 21-Apr-2013, at 05:43 by Cyberia ]

Bangkok - Last 2 weeks of april; looking for female buddy

Bangkok - Last 2 weeks of april; looking for female buddy

Bangkok - Last 2 weeks of april; looking for female buddy

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