I was wondering if there's any way how to display only a part of my journey on the map? Or do I have to create a new map with only the stops I need for one post? Let's say I'm traveling for half a year and I make a lot of stops and I put all of them in one map. And I wanna write a blog entry, that describes my journey for the first week. And I would like to add a map to this post, but only with the first few stops. I know I can zoom the map to the desired place, but still it is not that clear. Plus if I use the map on my blog outside of Travellerspoint, I have to embed the map to my post, create the zoomed in version within a blog post on Travellerspoint, and copy and paste the lat, lon and zoom values to my other blog. It works, but it is little bit slow. Or maybe I just didn't find the right method how to do this in a decent way?
So, it would be really great to have this option, I think. Or if it is possible, could you please tell me how?
Thanks so much. I really love Travellerspoint's travel maps!!!
Hi Hanka,
Yeah, I can see how that would be useful. No, it's not possible at the moment. The only way would be as you say to create a new trip with just that leg in it. But then that's going to mess up your stats and your overall map would be strange. If it's just for embedding then this would be workable though.
Will keep this in mind for future development! Thanks for the feedback And I'm glad you've enjoyed using the maps otherwise.

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