I need tips on how to plan our 10 days California trip including SFO, LA and San Diego.
We fly to SFO on Dec 23rd, and fly back from San Diego on Jan 4th. We stay there 10 full days.
We will rent a car.
How many days shall we plan for SFO, LA, San Diego, and for the road trip between SFO and LA?
This is our first time in California.
Thanks a lot!
It really depends on your interests. First of all, you don't want a car if you're in SF city itself (a car just is a bother there, and the city is best seen on foot or cable car/Muni Metro subway). Also depends on the weather. SF is tiny as cities go, LA is enormous as cities go (LA is really a collection of suburbs rather than a regular city) and SD central area is compact (it's suburbs are not). Do you want to see the coast or just rush down to S. CA?
Public transportation is good in SF, but poor in the other 2 places. You're asking this question of a SF lover who used to like LA many years ago, but now avoids it. SD usually has the best weather, but it probably will be too cold/rainy for the beach.

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