I noticed this quite a few months ago, was going to bring this up but forgot! ...and as it seems I have a habit of posting new threads about the forum at new year I thought I would post now (last years was about the - not sure if any conclusions were made from that discussion)
I only edited it to remove the offending bit!
I only edited it to remove the offending bit!
It wasn't you - this was from before you joined Travellerspoint.
oh i see...but i did edit a snipped post an hour ago! your idea makes sense though!
oh i see...but i did edit a snipped post an hour ago! your idea makes sense though!
Thanks! I hope you enjoy being part of the TP community.
I agree with you, Rob, on disabling the poster edit function after a post has been edited by a moderator. I have to say, though, that I have yet to come across it myself in the spams that I've edited. But I usually delayed editing it and just flagged it as spam, partially because of this possibility, and also because some spammers needed some banning time (two active spam flags will diable their posting ability, and editing it will remove the flag).
(oh, and out of interest how long is it that the poster can edit their post?)
It's been set to within an hour after posting.
I had this thread open in one browser and then never went back to it...
This, I think, is rare. I thought actually the editing time was more like 5 minutes, but it could well be that that was expanded later on. Originally it really was that short though. That's not to say your idea isn't the right one, because it probably is, although I think it could also be argued in reverse that maybe the original poster could still find something they wanted to change after a moderator has for example snipped an email address.
Given the rarity of this type of situation, and the fact it can swing both ways, I'd be inclined to say the status quo is good enough for now.

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