Travelling alone from around Oct 2013

Hi All,

Hi Leah

I am travelling from July/August time!! There is also Ultimate Oz which is pretty cool too. How long are you going for???

Do you know what you want to do whilst you are there??


To be honest I have no idea where to start and where to end! Would love to be one them people that just goes with it and don't worry lol, but slightly different when your doing it alone!!

I'm going to get a years visa and see how it goes

Have always wanted to travel Oz and New zealand, and decided its about time i get going!!

Would also love to build up the courage to sky dive lol!

Whats your plans x

haha yes i am like that too, I don't want to plan anything but cos I am by myself it is a little different!!

Yeah I want to go to NZ too and see what that's like, might as well whilst i'm in Oz.

I was going to go around July but might try and go in June, might go to Darwin first and then travel down and end up in Sydney for Xmas and work along the way.

That sounds good. Sydney for christmas and new year sounds great!

I'd like to go earlier but I'm trying to be realistic with my saving! lol. So I'm planning on september at the earliest, and there's so much to sort out! :/

I've got a lot of family in adalaide with spare rooms, so need to fit that in somewhere along the line too! lol a couple of weeks hostel free!!

Have you ever been Oz before? you planning on working at all over there? xx

I have started saving now but going on a holiday in May to greece so also saving for that!!

There is a lot to sort out but some of the things you can do when you get there!! That's good that you have family there - couple of weeks not having to pay for the hostel will be great!!

I went about 2 years ago for 3 weeks as my friend was out there, I went to Sydney and it was amazing - loved every minute of it!! yeah gonna be working - will travel a bit then work!!

What about you???


I've just decided to do the unthinkable. Sell everything and travel out to Oz in August time. I see many people are also going around this time.

Where is everyone from?

This is my first time travelling alone but I'm really excited if a little daunted. There's just soooo many decisions to make!! I'd like to see as much as possible so thinking to start in Perth and work my way around to the east coast for new year.


Hey Rob,

Your brave! Wish I had the guts to do the same!

I'm from Essex you?

I'm the same, would like to see as much as possible, make it an experience to remember


Haha, I may not come back. At least this way I have no ties back home, aside from family and friends....

Im from Somerset, good ole farm country.

I'll probably try and get as much farm work as possible. At least I'm outside that way.


Hi Leah,

I'm heading out to Oz on a working holiday visa at the end of Dec. I'm also going to do the Oz intro, looks a great place to start to meet new friends

I'm 22, always wanted to travel round Oz and thought while am young guna do it.

My plans are to go to Sydney spend a couple weeks there and then fly to another city, can't wait to see all the country. I'm a bit spontaneous, I'll prob just think i wanna go to Perth now and book a flight for the next day. Makes it exciting being a spur of the moment thing and probably meet lots of new friends.


Travelling alone from around Oct 2013

Travelling alone from around Oct 2013

Travelling alone from around Oct 2013

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