im planing to go to australia with WHY permit
but i dont know how to apply WHY ??
anyone know well or any agency help??
I have just looked on the oz Immigration website and they don't offer working holidays to malaysian citizens the only way to go over there is on a tourist visa but you won't be able to work at all, if you are caught working you will be deported. Sorry :/
That's not true; for Malaysians there's a separate working holiday visa, the (subclass 462, rather than the "European" WHV, subclass 417).
Unfortunately I don't have experience with how complicated the application process is. The form itself seems pretty doable to me (nearly identical, in fact, to what I remember the 417 application to look like), though you need some extra documents like proof of English proficiency and a letter of approval, which probably each carry their own processes for applying. But generally I'd say, just work through the form yourself, step by step. It might seem overwhelming at first, but really isn't that bad.
Oh yer I didn't notice that the list I was looking at was just 417 haha stupid tired brain. You should have no problem filling the form out if it is anything like the 417 it is really straight forward.

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