Hi guys, 25 year old lad flying from Manchester to sydney on the 24th September. Anyone else going that time ? Might start with a work& play package from sta travel. V. Exciting would be nice to talk to people heading over
hiya nick, im flying to sydney the first week in sept and hanging around until jan.. are you going alone?? got your insurance sorted? i still have no idea what company to go with x
Hey nick, I'm heading to Brisbane a month after you and working my way down to sydney by christmas. Got similar plans in that I'm looking for some work to fund the trip while I'm out there. Thinking of doing the 2 day work package from base hostels when I arrive to have the bank account/access to job boards all sorted.
And lydia I went with insure & go if that helps, their annual policy is about £70-80 but the maximum trip length is 90 days otherwise you need single trip insurance which is much more expensive (£240) x
Yeah I'm all alone. Not sure how long I'm hanging round sydney but was there last year& it is an amazing city ! Haven't sorted my insurance tend to leave things last minute but didn't realise it will cost as much as £240. Will have to check it out. Just not sure how to take the money I've saved over.. Can I use my English bank card over there ? Should I get a pre paid cash card ?? Obviously I'll set up my oz bank account to be paid into when working over there xx
Hi Nick, I land in Cairns at the end of September, I was always under the impression that before I leave I will set up an online bank account with an Australian company and transfer my money over before I arrive, Maybe I need to look into this more!?
Also need to sort out travel insurance!
I think you can set up an account& put an initial deposit in which is compulsory from over here then activate it when you get there. But you can't transfer money between accounts until you get there. Theoretically I could put all of my savings in as the deposit but won't know what exchange rate ill be getting.

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