Hey guys I'm going to be in Sydney end of Sep travelling on my own, haven't made any plans yet I'll just see what happens! So let me know if your going to be around then and you want to meet up
hey there =] im not going until november but the more people i know around australia the better i suppose.
im tom =] moving over in november touching down in sydney. bondai for christmas, opera house for new year :D then work ( sad face =[ ) for a year around australia
That sounds cool! I know i'm feeling the same better to get to know people!! We could meet up because I'll be around in November Have you got any plans on where your going after NY? I'm going to be looking for work as well!
well i might be hitting down south Australia. It's a little less crowded be a nice change and bit cheaper too. Good for work as well my sister has given me some good advice :D you on face book at all ? I just started a group basically like this forum thing but all in one place =]
Hey guys!
I will be going Oz around October-ish time! That FB group is a cracking idea but the link doesn't work dude!
Sort it out and it will be good
Fixed the link =]
Hi all
I'll be in Sydney from November 14th! What is everyones plans? I don't have Facebook (unusual I know!)
Is everyone going on a WHV?
Beth x
Hey guys - Tom, ah that sounds cool I need to look for work asap too worried about the money situation I can't seem to save as much as I'd like ha!
Hey Olly and Beth (I also don't have fb) Well I did but forgot my password ages ago and haven't used it since. Everyone keeps asking about it as well lol! I've got a WHV and going to be in Sydney end of Sep and don't have any plans really just going to see what happens!
Hey. I've just added myself to that group. Will be great if we can meet so we are not alone for Christmas and New Year! X
Hi all,
I have created a group on Facebook to add anyone going to Australia anytime between say September and January, just to chat about plans etc and make a few contacts before going!
If any of you guys are interested just message on this group or private message me whatever and we can get a group/chat going
Speak soon!

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