Hi fellow travellers
There is an accommodation link at the top of the page.
US dollars is the best currency to take and in Siem Reap, people will accept them as well as the local currency. Even ATM's give them out.
"Central" is a bit of a vague term in Phnom Penh, but tuk-tuks are cheap and walking is OK. Get one to your guest house to start with to save looking around for it. The first price offered will be expensive so beat them down some.
A reasonable guest house can help with local tours, and a walking map helps. Some have wifi. There are money changers near the central market area and the rate is about the same for all of them. If you visit the museum, take along some bread for the many fish in the ponds in their inside garden area.
Presumably you will get a bus to Siem Reap? Tuk-tuks will meet you and get you some distance to town and wherever you are staying. I quite liked Siem Reap as a place to stay and walk around. Don't miss the night markets. Don't give money to any woman with a baby as it's a scam. Beer Street should actually be called Restaurant Street and has lots of good places to eat.
There are some beggars about, some of whom will have had limbs blown off fairly recently by land mines. When I was there in January, it was 4,000 riels to US$1. Give them a 1,000 note and they are happy (it's peanuts to us) but there are many cheapskates about who give them nothing.
I quite liked the Arboretum in Siem Reap but found the Star Wood Inn a bit out of the way in Phnom Penh, though a nice enough place to stay. Both were quiet at night.
Visa was $20. Take along a few passport photos.
Thank you
So helpful!

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