can anyone recommend what to do with my phone when i go to australia? which sim cards are best? and where to go them from?
I have heard telestra have the best coverage over there. When/where are you going?
15th march, flying to melbourne! also wondering whether its wise to take my laptop with me
Ah awesome you should come and join us over at -snip-
I'm not taking my laptop but I will be taking a tablet, I don't want the weight of a full laptop with me but I want to be able to use skype and the internet easier than on my phone
yeah im thinking of getting an i pad! i will join that group as soon as i hand my notice in at work coz im friends with my boss on there and he dosent know just yet haha , when and where are you going?
Oh I'm friends with work people as well and it doesn't show up on others news feeds that aren't part of the group I got my friend to check haha! Yer I am going to get an ipad mini I hand my notice in on monday, I can't wait!! I am going to melbourne on the 12th feb for a couple of weeks before heading to a working hostel near melbourne to do the 3 months agriculture work to get my second years whv.
Add me on fb its easier to chat on there great sim.. 3p a minute to call a land land in the UK & only 5p a minute to call a mobile in the UK! And data is good too..
i have been travelling around australia for 10 months ish now and i wish i had bought my laptop or at least a hard drive, alot of travellers swap movies and music so that would be my suggestion for sure. regarding sim card provides i would suggest telstra is best for coverage everywhere but i dont no about the rates for phoning back to relatives back home so i have been using global gossip and also lycramobile but they GG loses signal if not in big cities but lycramobile does alot better but not as good as telstra. hope this helps
chelle x
cheers chelle! great help! think ill be taking my laptop then or buy an i pad x
no problem! ipad prob better coz smaller and not as heavy...anything else you not sure bout just ask x

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