jennykristen26 has indicated that this thread is about Peru
I don' t know about tours operators, but I travel to Cuzco, Ica, Arequipa contantly for working. I can help you if you need some information about perú.
Thanks can you please provide me the more information so I can finalize my package for next month. I though best Peru tours are top tour operators. but I am new so your help is needed.
I'd only ever travel with one of the tour companies listed on . There's far too many "here one day, gone the next" tour companies in Peru, which think that by transparently astroturfing some forums they can actually trick real travellers to think they're legitimate. Luckily real travellers always see through that kind of spam. I've never heard of this "best peru tours", but strongly suspect it falls into that category.
There are many good companies in Cusco if you want to do the Inca trail you should check it out in advance due to availability. you can check with a new fresh local team in Cusco: Mythical trails peru
Good luck

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