24 year old Female (scottish)Aus visa expires feb 2014 and hoping to go travelling Asia for a few months. No solid plan plans yet. Want to visit thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and some of Malaysia but don't really fancy doing it alone. Anyone have similar ideas?
Actually, doing it solo is really a very good way to travel in SEA. It's so easy to meet others here that you won't be alone for long. People are so outgoing (Vietnam) that you feel welcome soon after you step off the plane.
yeah, totally don't worry about it. Loads of people in the same boat as you so it is so easy to meet peeps. Go to Thailand first, or Malaysia, which would be easier coming from Oz. They are easy SE Asian training grounds, before hitting Cambodia and 'nam. ;-) Backpacking with stabilisers! I'm Scottish too. Good luck, hen.
Hi Maria,
If you have any questions about Viet Nam or Cambodia don't hesitate contact me any time. I am always available to assist you.
My skype: tranthithanhgia
Many thanks!
hey Maria I'm heading over to Thailand and Cambodia mid March 2014, hoping to spend about a month mostly in northern Thailand, heading up to Chiang Mai, then I'll at some point cross the border into Cambodia, maybe Vietnam, for my second month. was their anywhere in particular you were planning on heading too?
HI Maria,
I'm heading over to Oz in Oct time and leaving Cairns around March time to head to Asia, I want to finish in Thailand at the end of June, so got three months to explore Asia.
I'm planning Oz at the moment and once that is sorted I'll look into the route I want to take around Asia, I'm thinking Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia and Laos..
Drop me a message if you like
You forget to put Indonesia in your travel plan. It is really worth it to be visited. Bali especially!

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