Hello, guys! First post here...
Looks a bit fast and densely packed. I wouldn't even bother going to Glasgow and Edinburgh for a day each, you're allowing transit time and zero time to see the places.
What's in Reading for 3 days?
The idea is, in reality see more places I can... Reading I have a friend there, I will stay in her home.
The fact is that my itinerary is not blocked,, so, if I'm enjoying a lot some place that I was supposed to stay only 2 or 3 days, I stay more, but I should kill another place.
Glasgow and Edinburg, for example, I would stay in Glasgow for 2 days, than, one of these days, I should go to Edinburg....
Do you think that I should stay more days in each place or kill some, add more days in other cities to enjoy more my trip?
Thanks a lot!
It's a personal choice thing, of course. Personally yes I'd go a bit slower or I'd get burnt out and not enjoy it.
Again speaking personally I don't think the cities are the thing to see in Scotland, it's the highland landscapes that in my opinion are only matched by Norway, so I'd be doing at least a few days tour, and just using Glasgow or Edinburgh as a gateway for that. But then landscapes are my thing.
I do like the next section - Scandinavia and through bits of Russia. All very rewarding places!
How do you get between Dublin and Glasgow, and over to Oslo? Flights? Need to book early or the prices go crazy, so that could lose you flexibility on your itinerary. For Russia I think the visa has to have the exact arrival date on too?
In Norway have a google for Norway in a nutshell train tours, which is Oslo to Bergen with a spur on the line to Flåm - highly recommended.
Would a day seeing Venice fit in your journey to Rome? For me Venice is in europe's top three cities with Rome and St Petersburg.
I backpacked europe for 4 months and I understand your idea of seeing as many places as you can. But looking at your itinerary, you will probably spent most of your time getting from places to places. Why not start with the first city and plan as you travel? March is not really the peak traveling period yet, so getting train and hostel reservations will not be a problem. How much is your budget for this trip?, as traveling in Scandinavia and Russia is going to take out a hugh chunk off your budget. You can check out my blog for some useful informations and the route we took. Hope you will have a clearer mind then http://www.travelathousandmiles.com/preparations-2/
Hi, looks a bit tight to me too, but you'll decide on the spot for sure how to adjust your itinerary so that to get the full out of it
It's just my personal opinion, but in Italy I'd cut Milan and visit Florence or Venice - there's definetly much more (and lots prettier) to see and would imply kind of the same time for traveling.
I live in Bucharest and can show you around once you get here if you'd like to and maybe help plan next steps - just pop a message some days before you arrive so that to confirm I'm in town.
Good luck planning!
Thanks a LOT guys! You all are helping me out!
I will definitely delete Milan and add Venice to my trip. And put less days in Amsterdan and add more days to Paris.
I will change Glasgow and go to those places you said. When I say I'm going to Oslo, I have total intentions on seeing the Landscapes.
I will book a flight to go to those places. Some of them I will need, like Athens to Italy, I will need a boat or a flight too.
My first idea was to see what people who has done this kind of trip think about my itinerary. Then I will think about all of these.
My idea is travel by train at night, so I can save some money with hostels (once the train is already paid) and I don't lose the day in the city, what do you think?
I've heard many people saying that it's a shame travelling by train, you waste too many time. But the train stops in the center of the city, diferently of the flights and the bag stays with me. It's kind of easier and faster, in my opinion.
My budget is something like 80 euros/day (including transportation - like taxi or bus - hostels, food and any atractions I wanna see).
I know that in Scandinavia is much more expensive, but I also think that Bulgaria and, please, andrutz, let me know, Romania, for exemple, are kind of cheaper.
I will be very very glad if you can show me the city! And please, let me know another thing, is Bucharest and all the East safe to travel alone?
Thanks a lot guys!
Train is the way to travel in Europe, like what you said most stations are situated in the cities. Have you check the cost for reserving a sleeper train? I believe it will be quite costly especially if you are taking the eurostar or premium train with your pass. 80 euro sounds reasonable to me as we average 45 euro daily for our trip, but we didn't go to Scandinavia and Russia like you. You might need to check the daily expenditures for these 2 places.
trabbold, almost all rest of Europe is cheaper than Scandinavia, except maybe Switzerland and yes, Eastern Europe is deffinetly cheaper than the Western part. The biggest difference you'll see in food and drinks going out , public transportation price and attractions entry fees. Not sure about accomodation and in-between countries transportation.
As for safety, Romania is very much ok for travelling, just mind the general stuff: pickpocketing, watch your bag, cheating taxi drivers etc.
Should you need air transportation, check also some low cost airlines like www.wizzair.com, www.ryanair.com, www.easyjet.com. But you should book some at least one month before to find some good deals.
Also, I recommend you checking before you leave for which countries you need visa and which country has Euro and which doesn't, so you don't have bad surprises. Also, check exchange courses before you go, at least broadly, so you have a benchmark in your mind. ATMs are everywhere anyway if it's easier for you than exchanging.

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