Need a place to visit after Amsterdam, and before Paris. Am travelling with wife and 7 year old daughter. Looking to stay either 6 or 7 nights. Currently considering the Barcelona area. Does anyone have any thoughts/suggestions on where to stay here. Feel free to convince me to visit somewhere else instead. Your thoughts are much appreciated.
well, i guess Spain is a nice spot. As for me here are some of the places I want to travel and visit or events I want to experience if I am given a chance to be there!
Palacio Real
Running of the Bulls
La Concha
Aqueduct of Segovia
Sagrada Familia
El Escorial
Mezquita of Cordoba
Happy Trip!
How are you travelling? It seems strange to me to head to Barcelona after Amsterdam, and then back up to Paris after that again... if you're flying it matters less of course, but there's lots of nice cities north of Paris as well, though if you want beach weather, Barcelona is a better bet

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