I am coming out in July and I am in the same position that I don't know anyone who can come with me.
Where abouts are you flying too?? I think I'm going to fly to Sydney first, try and find a job and then decide what I am going to do.
Would be nice to maybe meet up once I'm there??
Hi im also flying out in may and am going solo i havnt decided where to fly to first so im open to it all if you wanna chat before hand please e-mail :-)
What kind of things are you wanting to do whilst you are there???
im going to travel round a bit first see the places and on the way decide where i wanna find a job and work i know few people who are out there already so they can give us advice on good hostles and places to see. whats your plans??
I was going to fly to Sydney and then maybe do the ultimate oz thing and then see what happens, I do want to travel round the east coast but I do want to be back in Sydney for Xmas!!
i was thinking perth to start of with but do wanna go sydney. my plans on crimbo day is bbq on the beach some cold beers it will be legendary haha
Yeah I think everyone is starting off in either Perth, Adelaide or Brisbane!! Hah yeah it'll be amazing having a BBQ on Xmas day but also a bit weird too
i know im use to rain snow cold not hot sunny beach i cant w8 be good to meet some poeple of here and get load of us doing it. i only decided i was going last week haha
Yeah that's what I'm used to too - I'm up in Yorkshire so it's always cold!!! Haha yeah I got my visa last week!! It'll be good to get a few ppl together as I am travelling by myself - are you??

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