Greetings internet!
I always wonder why people who've "travelled many times before" think it's a good idea to try and arrange strangers to travel with before they depart.
Since you have lots of travel experience you know how easy and simple it is to hook-up with like minded fellow travellers on the road, so why would you throw the dice and arrange something beforehand? You might be stuck with someone who is simply not a good match, plus there's the logistics/hassle of trying to coordinate things before you leave, etc.
To me it seems that it's all negatives and NO positives.
I'm not being a dick or questioning your choices, I'm sincerely interested why any experienced traveller would think this is a good idea. I'd love to hear your reasoning.
Have fun.
Hi Terry,
you're not being a dick, dont worry. By the amount of replies you post I assume you have a fare amount of experience. This is the first big journey I will do. Even though it is true that I have travelled many times before, none of my travels are going to be comparable to the magnitude of this one.
By saying that I have travelled many times before, I mean that I've been to many places before, including the north pole. However, that does not mean that those trips were back packer trips. It just means that I have the confidence to navigate through the world and know how to act in an international environment.
Previous travels were mostly to european countries, all done with friends. My biggest trip so far was to NY for three months by myself. It wasn't really a backpacker trip like the one I aim at doing. I went to film school.
There are many pros to travelling with another person from the beginning.
1) you can share the costs from day 1.
2) the other person is likely to bring experience and a healthy mixture of ideas regarding destinations and activities.
3) that person may know people in different countries which may conclude in free accommodation.
4) All the work is divided into two= less stress.
5) you get to know a new person who might end up being a good friend.
6) Its also a question of safety. The more people you are, the safer your travel well end up being.
7) if things dont work out, you can always part ways and then join another group.
I guess both of us have a point. For now it is the option I feel most comfortable with. In the future I may decide to take a different approach. If it works out, Great! If it doesnt, lesson learned.
Thanks anyway.
Have fun, Ricardo.

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