It is interesting planing. Do you know anything about the South Australia? I want to go their.
See if you can join with me for thier.
Hey Man, Just know about Melbourne really its all I've read up on! Planning to get a place in a hostel for the first few days in the city and then probably look for somewhere to rent for cheap and some work, would like to get out to Brisbane because I got a good friend out there?
You just thinking about going out atm?
alrite mat, ill be in melbourne at end of august/beginning of september. not booked my flights as yet, but ill be bookin them soon. i have no plans either just goin to roll with it an see what happens ha
I am going to be in Melbourne around mid September! Going on my own too so up for meeting up with people!
I thought I’d replied to this but I guess not haha, I am pretty much going to completely wing it when I’m out in Melbourne my life is mental at the moment anyway so it can’t get any worse :P It’d be good to know about you guys plans a little more,
My first three days in the city I’m going to stay at someone’s house I saw on couch surf and then from the first Monday stay in a hostel for about ten days and look for somewhere to work and rent probably on gumtree or on bulletin boards around town.
What are you guys plan? I've not got facebook or I'd add you but, I'm on Twitter though
Hey, I'm heading out to oz end I August. Wanting to work and Tavel.
Hey, I'm heading out to oz end I August. Wanting to work and Tavel.
Cool What date you going over? U got many plans for work?
Hey man,
As far as things are going, I'll be in Melbourne still come August, so sure give us a shout if ya like when you get here.
All the best,

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