I need to know all the basics!!

Hi I've just turned 18 and I've been wanting to travel ever since I remember I really cant imagine myself spending my life in a dead end job and in my dead end town I need to get out there see the world and live a little. I've been thinking Australia but also thinking is it a bit far to go for my first time and for being so young? I'd also be doing it on my own as all my friends arent as adventurous and have settled down in their career job. So what I need to know is basically all the basics like WHERE DO I START?? How do I get started with all my travelling? Do I go to a travel agents and book it through them or do I do it by myself? Where do I even start with a visa? How much money I'm going to need? Basically I need to know everything you can tell me.


First of all then you need to decide where to go! When you know this, you can start looking into if you need visas...For agencies, I guess it depends on what exactly you wanna experience and where. I went to India by a company in India, which I liked, I felt much more safe this way. I also volunteered with the company, which I really enjoyed. Money depends on where you wanna go, if you stick to Australia, it is gonna be more expensive than Asia. I know people bit older than you who travelled to Australia...Find a place and then go out and experience life.

First you will need money. Quite a lot of money.

You could go to Thailand. December is the best time to go. Sun virtually every day till the end of April but it does get hotter by the month.

Thailand is cheap. You get 30 days visa free on arrival (by air) and you can leave twice and come back by air and get another two lots of 30 days. Cheapish flights available to nearby countries.

Or there is India but there is often some culture shock there so it's not the best place for a first big experience.

Australia is expensive. A lot more expensive. You could possibly get a job fruit picking or whatever. Some think they can do this and save money to travel elsewhere afterwards but pay is not great and it is expensive so few are able to.

If you are in a dead end job, why not change it? I moved jobs several times in my youth before I found the one I wanted.

The first thing to start with is a destination! From there you can plan how much money you'll need, what to see and do, visas etc. As a young person travelling by yourself for the first time you may want to consider destinations that are 'safe' - that is they speak English and the culture and food aren't too different. Once you've got your 'travelling legs' (so to speak) then try countries that are very different to what you are used to. For your first trip you may want to book through a travel agent to draw on their expertise but once you've taken that first trip you hopefully will feel confident to book everything yourself on the internet. If you stay in reputable youth hostels and backpacker establishments you will meet lots of like minded people and will usually not be alone for long. I had many adventures with people I met at youth hostels - and not only young people stay at them - so don't be limited to interacting only with people of your age!!

Planning your travels can ease the feelings of being in a dead end job - think about it as a means to an end - that is spreading your wings and experiencing the world outside of your small pocket of the world.

Hi I've just turned 18 and I've been wanting to travel ever since I remember I really cant imagine myself spending my life in a dead end job and in my dead end town I need to get out there see the world and live a little. I've been thinking Australia but also thinking is it a bit far to go for my first time and for being so young? I'd also be doing it on my own as all my friends arent as adventurous and have settled down in their career job. So what I need to know is basically all the basics like WHERE DO I START?? How do I get started with all my travelling? Do I go to a travel agents and book it through them or do I do it by myself? Where do I even start with a visa? How much money I'm going to need? Basically I need to know everything you can tell me.

Choose ur destination first think of it for a while do you really wanna make it to that place..... Then just start working on it how to reach when to reach... apply for visas.... do have talks with some travel agents if you dont hire dem its fine but that will give you more exposure to that destination and yes MONEY is a big factor you need a good reasonable amount in ur hand as u dnt knw wht advantages + dsadvantages you will face while travelling as you are out of ur comfort zone. But all i want to say is that never loose hope do the things u really cherish too and even if a single chance u get to do so dnt hold urself back let loose.....lifes too boring long to keep it happy simple keep travelling

I need to know all the basics!!

I need to know all the basics!!

I need to know all the basics!!

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