Hi everyone :D
Hi Tiffany!
I'm landing in Melbourne the 2nd of January. Travelling up the east coast for a month! Doing it solo so would love some company too
Michelle x
I will travel solo too on beginning of February!!!
I will start from Sydney to visit the East Coast
It would be great to meet and travel with other people visiting Australia in the same period
Let me know
Hi Michelle and Martina
I haven't booked my flights yet, but I think I will be in Melbourne ( or Sydney) the 6th of January and then start the east coast adventure did you travel alone before? for me it's the first time and I'm very excited!
Hi Guys
I'm landing in Melbourne on 4th Jan no plans as of yet but am really feeling doing a bit of driving around Oz. Maybe hiring a campervan or something!!
Katy x

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