SuzyBamboozy has indicated that this thread is about Australia
I wouldn't worry too much about where to go and when yet, I am going to melbourne in feb and the only thing I know is that I am going to be there for 2 weeks and then at a working hostel somewhere near melbourne, Just go with the flow and you will have a much better time than sticking to rigid plans
But I would say whitsunday islands, sydney at christmas/new year if you want to be where the massive party is other places to go are the blue mountains outside of sydney, obviously uluru if you can afford to go is well worth a visit, then in the north there is kakadu national park. There are tons of different places and activities to do all around the country :D
Hey Suzy,
Sounds like you might spend a bit of time getting around the place - if you are looking for travel mate/s I would suggest "". If you click on "ride share" section on the home page there are backpackers leaving from all over Australia headed to different places - most with a car or van that you will share costs with. Whether it is a lift directly to your destination or a road trip with multiple stops along the way I am sure you will find some people to have a great time with.
Secondly there are heaps of places to go in Australia - just need to keep in mind how far apart from one another they may be. I have traveled to quite a few places around Australia. Definitely recommend Ayers Rock - although it is really, really far away from anything. Except Alice Springs and that is pretty nice too. I would say take one of the tours; they are pretty cheap ($250 for 3 days ?) and cover everything you will want to see. Sydney - of course. The bridge, the Opera House, the Blue is a fairly extensive list. And most people who travel to Melbourne really like it... Personally I look forward to heading over and doing the West Coast in the near future. Should be amazing - really beautiful. If you plan on going there drop me a line
10 months to go! You have plenty of time to figure out where to go, besides part of the charm is finding out where to go on the way. People you meet might have the best experiences about which places to visit and not to visit!
I'll be arriving in Australia in sept/okt and i have no clue where to start yet.
I know I have alot of time left but I am too impatient and I want to go now and don't want to plan but want to do something to make it feel like i'm preparing haha.
I will be going to the west coast at some point, i'm hoping to work for three months to be able to get my second year visa. Apart from fraser island right at the start as a holiday the only other thing I have planned is Adelaide at christmas as I have got family there!
So impatient I want to go nooow!! x
Haha I'm already impatient to get going I don't think I could wait until november!
Im going in march alone and still don't know what the plan is yet!
I'm Planning to go out around the same time!
Almost planning to do the same thing! (although I'm only going for 2 weeks)
I'll send you a private message on here explaining a little more about what I plan to do.
[ 19-Dec-2012, at 07:53 by 333Stef ]
I'm planning on traveling solo last week of November to Sydney! I'm super excited since its my first time there . Anyone else looking for a traveler buddy? I will be in Sydney for 2 weeks till December 15th! I need suggestions on what to do!!
well im off 28th of november fly from LHR to brisbane anyone else around similiar times plan to travel northwards as most people will be headin to sydney for xmas an new year

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