Seriously considering moving to the uk

Thanks to anyone who helps me on this subject.

well theres a lot of scope to cover with this one. I live in Bristol which is west england.. small city, but diverse in character, quite leafy and historical with its contemporary leftfield side to it. Beaches are an hour plus drive... either north Devon or the gower in wales. just one thing about the UK to keep in mind.. we are in a bit of a nasty recession.. and with the public cuts unfolding... we arent out the woods yet... dont let me put you off.. just put in a bit of homework to line yourself up with an income here if possible.

Thanks for the advice

If you are looking for a good music scene and nightlife Manchester would be a good choice as it's fantastic for both of these. It's also affordable to live in. It doesn't tick some of your other boxes though unfortunately, as it's not close to a beach and the climate isn't particularly great. I would still recommend Manchester though as it's a great city!

Do you have a long stay visa (not required if you are EU citizen) ?

Immigration is a hot topic at present :

In a recent survey 50% of UK residents expressed interest in living abroad.


JayShiva has the right idea with Bristol and going further south for meeting most of your criteria.

least with England you can travel and visit the rest of the country anytime as it only take a number of hours depending on mode of transport

Hey Jessy
Well Im American living here and I have to say its not easy at all for Americans to move legally. Immigration is being clamped down hard by King Cameron and its likely you will not get a work visa. Are you a student?

And Music and Beaches? Wrong country! Music and beaches/weather here is just awful. Try a Continental country.

I would recommend Brighton.

It is 1 hour away from London, and has a really nice chilled community.

There are good bars, resturants and clubs, and great shopping.
also, a good music scene, and being so close to London you can easily travel up for gigs.

It is also by the sea!
and although the beach is made up of pebbles and not sand, it still lovely and is very popular in the summer

I do not agree with coldwarspy because although we do have a temperate climate, we can have lovely sunny and warm weather in the south of england, and rarely go below 0'c in winter, and dont have as much rain as everyone thinks!

Good Luck

[ 06-Aug-2010, at 04:20 by lucyloo4 ]

Did I just read Coldwarspy say that music in England is just awful? And nobody questioned this?

Perhaps my cold medication is making me hallucinate...

Did I just read Coldwarspy say that music in England is just awful? And nobody questioned this?

Perhaps my cold medication is making me hallucinate...

I have to disagree with Coldwarspy too. I think the music scene in England is excellent and is one of the things I miss most about home!

Seriously considering moving to the uk

Seriously considering moving to the uk

Seriously considering moving to the uk

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