Hey guys and girls,
Just checked and mine isn't showing completely either.
Edit: It shows correctly in Mozilla but not in IE.
[ 19-Aug-2010, at 21:33 by bex76 ]
I hope that with the new TP not everything is geared towards people who don't use IE
Hmm, nothing changed in the newsletter layout as far as I know compared to last month, but it could be that there was some tag missing which buggered up IE more than others. What program are you using to read the newsletter (Outlook etc.)? Or was this online?!
I was reading it from within hotmail.
Hmm, nothing changed in the newsletter layout as far as I know compared to last month, but it could be that there was some tag missing which buggered up IE more than others. What program are you using to read the newsletter (Outlook etc.)? Or was this online?!
The newsletter is send to my private email (mail.com), but I always open it online because it doesn't show photos etc.
Weird; I just checked the online version and that's so weird! As far as I know it's the same as every previous month in terms of layout, but asked Eric to check this. Clearly something changed somewhere!! Bugger!!
Yep, that's why I thought it was worth mentioning here, as this obviously wasn't Eric's intention
Hmm, that's very odd indeed. Nothing different about this newsletter compared to previous ones... Except the only thing I realized after is that I didn't use a cropped version of the photo. Normally I download the photo, resize it to the right size for the newsletter, then upload that and use that in the newsletter. I forgot to do that this time so instead the photo was the one on Travellerspoint, which is then being resized by CSS... Perhaps that makes trouble in IE?
Hmm, that's very odd indeed. Nothing different about this newsletter compared to previous ones... Except the only thing I realized after is that I didn't use a cropped version of the photo. Normally I download the photo, resize it to the right size for the newsletter, then upload that and use that in the newsletter. I forgot to do that this time so instead the photo was the one on Travellerspoint, which is then being resized by CSS... Perhaps that makes trouble in IE?
Ah, yes, that probably will since it's inside a table. It's probably possible, but then requires setting a width/height on the actual image rather than relying on CSS. Would obviously need a bit of testing to be sure though

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