hi everyone
just curious about how helpfull the lonely planet books are...
my moms friend has travelled the world and she told me i need to get this book, its her bible when she goes lol
so if im going to thailand cambodia and vietnam... should i get them individually ? or is there a certain one that covers all of them,
i love reading about places befor going to them so i think it would be worth it right?
any advice?
There is one that covers all of SE Asia - forget the title. I find LP guides to be marginally useful. If you're really set on buying one, used or photocopied versions can be had for peanuts on the streets of Bangkok, Hanoi or Saigon.
You should check out Travelfish.org - members can download abbreviated online guides for specific areas this month only (Aug 2010). Travelfish is very useful since it specializes in SE Asia - they're headquartered in Bangkok, I believe.
I would go to my local library and see if they have these travel books available. Check them out, read them for a week or two and decide if they are worth buying. There is a huge book: 'Southeast Asia on a Shoestring' that covers all your planned trip. Another option is to wait until you arrive in BKK or your arrival city. There are heaps of used Lonely Planet books available for small money.
Good luck with your planning.
I would recommend getting South East Asia on a Shoestring - it was my bible for the 3 months I spent in the region. The new one came out earlier this year. As the others have said, it's possible to get copies of many Lonely Planets when you get to Bankgkok; try the Soi Rambuttri area for this.
wow!! thanks so much everyone, i love all the advice. before i start to freak out i come here :D lol
I always take a guide book with me.
They are so useful for planning as you go along. It is easy to forget the name of an attraction you wanted to see, you can use them to show locals where you want to go.
I personally like the DK eye witness travel guides.
Often in local shops they have special offers e.g. buy one get one half price on travel guides.
I have also seen them on sale in countries very cheap as previously stated.
I'm not sure I really want to get into this, but feel something should be said. A few people here have recommended buying photocopied versions of travel guides. These guides are illegal copy's. They do a lot of harm to the copyright owners. Ethically Im not sure Id be advising people to purchase these, not only for the credibility of this site, but also for the fact that they are usually crap copies and almost worthless, well at least the ones I saw in Vietnam were. The buying of these copies goes towards encouraging more illegal copies to be made. You wouldn't buy a fur coat these days with the argument, "well its already been killed." The sale of them is often by kids that are sent out by the "publisher" and are often beaten if they don't sell enough. Is this what you want to be part of in your travel experience? And if you think the argument of "well they make so much money, they should lower their price" or something along those lines. Would you drive to a gas station and fill up your car then drive off telling the attendant, "im not paying because the oil companys are making too much money" its the same thing, its theft.

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