Me and 2 friends (all in our early 20s) are planning a trip for about this time next year, and so far we have come up with a rough idea of what where we want to go. We each have a budget of about £3000 ($4653) and have about 2 months +/- a one or two weeks to spend away.
Your plans really sound just a little too vague to comment on, but I do think cutting it down a bit would be wise. Asia is much larger than you have imagined! The money sounds fine, but your problem might be just too many climate changes. Even the E. Asia part would be ambitious, IMHO.
I know its big, but i've looked into trains times etc. and we are happy to take overnight sleeper trains whenever possible. I'd rather spend longer than try to cut it down though, because I can't decide which parts to skip, so maybe 3 months would make it easier, but I suppose I would need extra spending money? I realise that doing more flying also saves time, but is it worth the extra money, and missing out on the countryside etc.? By the way, the main focus is on southeast asia, the other places I think we just want to sample rather than spend a long time there and travel properly. Also we want to book things as we go rather than in advance and sticking to a schedule, so that we can be flexible. Forget the Australia part, if we do that it would be outside of the allocated time anyway, hope that makes my question easier to answer!

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