vcars has indicated that this thread is about Spain
Waste of good food.
Actually, it's a good use of bad food. Surely you don't think all produce raised for consumption is good to sell and/or eat? Better not ever visit a farm. This town has a totally biodegradable way to bring tourism to their area and have some fun. Shudder!! Besides, according to this article, "The tomatoes used are grown specifically for this festival, and are not good for consumption (making them smell a little rancid)."
Tomatoes are not bad. They are ripe tomatoes are to do no harm.
Actually, it's a good use of bad food. Surely you don't think all produce raised for consumption is good to sell and/or eat? Better not ever visit a farm. This town has a totally biodegradable way to bring tourism to their area and have some fun. Shudder!! Besides, according to this article, "The tomatoes used are grown specifically for this festival, and are not good for consumption (making them smell a little rancid)."
Each to their own I suppose - but I see no problem with turning over-ripe tomatoes into thousands of tins of chopped tomatoes or tomato soup, that plenty of hungry people would appreciate.
Still - as I already said, each to their own.
La Tomatina uses about 45 tons of tomatoes. An acre of land typically grows 38-40 tons of tomatoes. So, La Tomatina uses a little over an acre of product. Plus, they are reject tomatoes nobody would want to eat. BTW- The US grows more than 14,000,000 tons of tomatoes in a typical year.
Today is the day, at 11:00 am. You can see it on direct from
Still a waste of food - bit like the waste of live animals in the bullring for more 'Entertainment'.
Again.. Each to their own - while more than 1/2 the world is starving.
I give up trying to explain this to someone who refuses to hear.
Looks like a fun time! I think it's getting a little too crowded now, though. Maybe they should move it to a more open area so it's not so much like a mosh pit full of elbows. It's nice to see people getting together to have some simple, harmless fun.
[ 25-Aug-2010, at 12:26 by laurim ]

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