Advice for travelling in Europe

I am travelling to Europe (London, Paris, Amsterdam & Italy) with my friend

Hey I'm Matthew, I don't know much about accommodations over there but it would probably help if you gave someone a very general route so that they could tell you of places to go according to where you might be, other then that i dont know much sorry I couldn't be more help.

1. Travellerspoint has an accomodation section, take a look. It is the link on the left hand bar.

2. Unless you got a very good reason to rent a car I would advice against it. A car is bound to be a big hassle in the cities you mentioned.

Paris to Amsterdam can easily done by train, in this case train is also faster. If you buy your train tickets in advance over the internet and get a special offer train will also be cheaper.

Driving a car in London is a no-go, for a day trip to Bath it might make sense, but this can also be done by public transport. Consider it.

Thanks for the replies folks.

I am doing a day trip to Bath and would like to go to stonehedge and the crop circles as well (thus my friend's recommendation to rent a car in London for a day)

As for the car rental from Paris out to Amsterdam for 3 days, plans are to stop by Bruge and Brussels in between to do some sight-seeing as well.

The car rental does seem slightly cheaper (prices start at 190 EUR for the 3-day car rental) whereas with the trains its 150 EUR to Amsterdam one-way for one person.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.

Answers to your questions:

1. You can get a double/twin in Paris for about 65 EUR per night in a cheap hotel. (sorry, don't know hotels in other places, but A'dam is cheaper than Paris or London) Keep in mind though that Christmas-New Years time is busy and hotels book out early and prices go up. -snip-
If you are staying 3 nights you can get some discounts in many places. Always check the hotels' official sites, on big booking sites such as or they might not have the special rates.

2. Do not rent a car for seeing Paris, you are not used to the traffic there and you can get around on foot and metro easily, cheaper and you would see more. If you want to drive to Amsterdam that's fine, only rent a car for this trip, although I would check how much it would cost by train - might be cheaper. Same for London and driving/taking train to Bath. (I took a train to Bath once from South Hampton and it was around 20 pounds - i don't think you can get a car for that much.)

Anyway, start your booking soon, as I said, the second part of December and the first days of January are busy.

Parking in Amsterdam is a nightmare, the cheap car rental become less so when your car is towed away and you end up coughing up 100-300 EUR to get it back. You might want to keep that in mind.

We had a thread discussing Brussels at lenght, a number of people were of the opinion that chocolates aside one should skip Brussels and spent more time in Paris and Amsterdam instead. You might want to take a look.

If you want to get around Europe cheaply you could look at using a carpooling website. It's basically organised hitchhiking where you give the driver a contribution towards fuel, and is pretty popular in Europe, especially Germany, although also in France and the Netherlands.

There are quite a few websites to choose from although I think the biggest is, or at least that is the English version of the biggest. If you have no luck there though, just type 'carpooling france' into google and you will probably find another website worth trying.

Advice for travelling in Europe

Advice for travelling in Europe

Advice for travelling in Europe

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