Here is that still has 300 baht huts. Some of the islands off Krabi will also meet your criteria: cheap, quiet. might be what you are looking for. Good luck with your search Hannah.
There are still loads of places around within your price range. The thing is because they are cheap, they are not on the internet. I'd never make a long term commitment to something I read about on the internet anyway. Your best bet is choose an approximate location that looks good and get on out there, then start asking around. Here in India I have a lovely place that I pay $150us a month for. I have friends that have a whole house that they rent by the year for $1100! Even if you don't find a good deal in the first place you arrive, you'll have the freedom to move on to another country. Something else to consider is visa's, some are easier to extend than others. Malaysia is probably your most expensive, South Korea can be bloody freezing if your in the wrong season. I loved Vietnam, but its not as sophisticated as Thailand. From everything Ive heard Sri Lanka sounds awesome, south India is a short period of really good weather, followed by unbearable heat then crazy rain, not really any diving either, compared to other places on your list. Good luck and lets know where you choose and how it goes.
[ 24-Aug-2010, at 02:09 by Dodger ]
Thanks to both of you for your replies I'm leaning towards Thailand, have missed mango & sticky rice! Both those places look like what we're looking for, so might move between the two islands for a change of scenery after a week or 2...!
Dodger - what part of India are those properties in?? I'd love to spend time there in the future and that sounds amazingly cheap
Just need to save enough money to make sure I can stay away as long as possible
Thanks again
[ 25-Aug-2010, at 15:10 by Traveloat ]
Thanks to both of you for your replies I'm leaning towards Thailand, have missed mango & sticky rice! Both those places look like what we're looking for, so might move between the two islands for a change of scenery after a week or 2...!
Dodger - what part of India are those properties in?? I'd love to spend time there in the future and that sounds amazingly cheap
Just need to save enough money to make sure I can stay away as long as possible
Thanks again
You wont be disappointed with Thailand, and that part of the coast is fantastic. If you want a change of scenery you can get stupidly cheap flights around that part of the world to a host of other counties.
The rentals I was talking about are in the foothills of the Himalaya in the Kullu valley, Himachal Pradesh. Goa is a little more expensive, but you can still find good deals there too.

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