I have uploaded my photos and do not know if the last column " Original- Not stored" has to be left untouched or do I have to store the photos?
When you upload photos, there's an option "Save a Backup on Travellerspoint". If you check that, the original photo which you uploaded will be saved separately, besides the smaller resized versions which display in your gallery. That last column would then include a link to the backup.
Thanks for your response. I now understand about the option you have mentioned, but what should I do about the photos already uploaded? Should I leave them "Not Stored" or click on the option? Will the photos disappear if I do so, since they are not stored?
Thank you
There is no clickable "option" there in that last column. It's just a notification to you; something to show instead of the download link. No action to change that is required (or possible, really).
It's also totally safe to click around - the only thing which would delete your photos is clicking on something which explicitly says "delete".

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