Down under

Hi guys!

I go to oz in Jan. got evthin sorted so any questions just ask. an don't worry I know how easy it is to spend cash on booze lol


I live in Australia. We are an expensive country to live in, but our wages our priced to be able to afford that. An RSA is very easy to get hold of and there are quite a few places in the city looking for workers, but the best bet for that is getting a waitress job - they are advertised everywhere, especially if you have experience. Australia is very expensive to actually travel though

Hi Irish down under, I am actually looking for a travel buddy to head to the Oceania with if you are interested get back to me :D

yo dude im going in jan im from belfast too

Are you doing a working holiday or are you planning on migrating here?
If you are going on a working holiday it is a great experience, but you need quite a lot of savings to get you through. While it is very easy to find a job in the hospitality industry and the wages are usually pretty good (between $18-25 per hour depending on the industry, you usually earn more if you work on nights and weekends), the taxes for working holiday makers are very high. You get most of your tax back when you lodge a tax return, which is usually around $2000, but until then you will have to pay 30% of your wages in tax.

You have to do a tax return once a year and you can lodge it in July. You usually get your money back a month later. So it works well if you have spend 6 months or more in the country, do your tax return and then you can use that money to travel.

Say on average you earn around $700 per week but after tax you are left with only $490. If you rent a room in a sharehouse, expect to pay around $150 or more per week. Then there is public transport, food and bills that you will need to pay for. That doesn't leave you with much money at the end of the week.

While it is possible to live of that, bear in mind that you might want to travel around the country and that is only possible if you have a fair bit of money saved up.

I don't want to discourage you, it is certainly a great experience, but this is the reality that you will be facing.

Ps. I used to live in Dubai too. Did you work for Emirates?

Where will you be staying once you get to Australia? My understanding is that there a different RSAs for different states so I would wait until you get hear to do one. From Wikipedia:

Victoria and NSW do not currently recognise online as a valid delivery channel for this type of training.

They are easy to find and once you have it you'll be a lot more employable.

Hey hun, I just arrived in Adelaide end of Nov and your right alcohol and cigerettes etc are expensive but food and everything is the same price as at home and the wages are much higher. I dont have a clue about accomodation because i work as a nanny so i get this free!

1 piece of advice dont drink shots. On my first night i casually ordered 2 shots which came to 22 dollars. I thought i wasnt hearing the barmaid correctly ha.

Not been here long but if u need any help just ask.


Down under

Down under

Down under

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