Heather92louise has indicated that this thread is about Paris
I went to Paris for a week in the summer, but as a lone traveller I have no issues staying in hostels so I can't really help much as far as hotels are concerned. However, if you are looking for a good area to stay in, don't necessarily look just for hotels in the area around the Champs De Mars because it is really expensive and really, there isn't much around there except the Eiffel Tower. I would suggest heading for the St Michel area, nearer to Notre Dame, as there is far more to see and do in that area, lots of bars and restuarants to cater to all ages and budgets.
You could go further south, towards the Cite Universitaire (I had a friend staying there, which is where I stayed when I went) but then you are far away from the tourist stuff and with only 2 days, you'd be better in the middle of things. Just make sure you take the metro down the Dunfert for breakfast one morning! There is nothing quite like the cafes and bistros in Dunfert.
I just had a look at lowcostholidays and they have some bargain breaks to Paris with flight and a good hotel well within your budget for January.
Staying near a metro station is handy as it makes getting around easy. You can buy any number of tickets at a time to save queuing up again.
Lots to see and do in Paris so decide beforehand how you are going to spend such a short time there. But expect cold, especially at night, and possibly snow so look at some indoor options, and wrap up well.
Hi all!
I'm looking to book a weekend away for me and my boyfriend as his x mas present!
I want to go for the weekend of fri 11th jan 2013 to sun 13th jan 2013.
I would love to take him to Paris hopefully near the Eiffel Tower. Would like to find somewhere with a wow factor as it is a surprise but don't want anything too pricey, my budget for travel + hotel is £400 max would like to find somewhere cheaper.
Hi, you can go in Paris with £36,50 (outbund/return trip) with , and book a hostel

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