Hey guys and girls i'm heading to cuba next year but only have four days (unfortunately) to see the sites. I've heard that havana and vinales are amazing but just wondering how long to stay there or any other spots while im in the country. I'm not much of a resort sorta guy i'd rather get out and see the sites and mingle with the locals.
Lots of tourists in Havana so I had no trouble with my limited Spanish there, and since they will want your dollars they will find a way to communicate with you.
It's a great place with good people and relaxing except for the VERY crowded public transport.
With only 4 days I personally wouldn't bother consider anything other than Havana, but if you're not enamoured the thought of a huge city of rich/poor extremes with 2,000,000+ inhabitants and 500+ years of history with a rich and complicated arts/music/etc. culture existing in a dizzyingly complex political and social structure then a day trip or overnight to a smallish rural village like Vinales (that still has a very good tourist infrastructure) would give you the exact opposite experience of Havana.
Have fun.
Also, no need to burden the already massively overstretched local transportation system, Havana has several tourist bus routes that are 5 CUC/day flat - hop off and on as many times as you wish - and taxis are cheap, less than 8 CUC to cover the entire touristy parts of the city and there's also super inexpensive collectivo taxis on all the major streets. Lastly, it's a great city for walkers.
Thanks guys appreciate your help!
Jboy86, you're Ozzie, right? If so, have you researched the money situation yet? Your Australian Dollars are no good in Cuba...

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