hey my name is Agatha Astari, 16 years old. from Jakarta, Indonesia.
i'm interested with traveling. i want to live my life with a lot of traveling.
i haven't done any serious traveling. the traveling that i've been doing is just family trips. but that is not the kind of traveling that i want.
i want to go to many beautiful places and enjoy the panorama as long as i want with a few people. i dont like to go traveling with many people because i think it would be more relaxed and interested if we do traveling just with a few people.
i have a list of places that i want to go to. this is the list:
Miyama, Japan.
Baja, California.
Verona, Italia.
Bora Bora Island, France.
New Zealand.
but for now, the most interesting place for me is Japan. i want to get a scholarship in Japan. i want to have education there and then live in Japan.
i think it would be so nice to talk about traveling and be friends with a lot of people here.
that's all. i'm sorry for the awkward grammar -_-
thank you
Agatha - Many of us consider your part of the world far more interesting than ours (namely, the West). I think you will find that your interests will change with time, but I think you're going about it the right way. Travel is an education in itself, because travelers learn how to understand different cultures much better than those educated people who never leave their own surroundings.
thanks a lot johnny for your advice.
yeah i think you're right. my interests will change someday. and i'm so excited about it.
i think i have to finish my school first and then i can take the traveling activity more seriously.
honestly, i don't have any specific knowledge about traveling. but i just want to do it so i can have many precious experiences from many different places.
wish me luck

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