Well on average your earning power will grow as you get a bit older so by that logic travelling while young makes sense!
Budgets: obviously it's hugely variable but a lot of people talk about $100 a day. USA and Europe are expensive, south east Asia is cheap.
Where to go: people often say to start with somewhere easy like aus/nz where you already speak the language and there's an established backpacker circuit. Later on you could progress to more and more alien cultures. Culture shock is the depression which results if you take on too much too fast.
Are you suggesting that I travel to NZ/aus and then go straight on to a country that doesn't speak english? Or should I take more than one trip?
Just flinging ideas around. So much depends on what type of thing you want to see and do (wildlife, cultures, landscapes, cities, architecture, partying), how confident you are, where you've been already, climates you like, and budget.
Lots of kids head straight for Thailand for sex, partying, beaches and an alien culture.
Me, I love landscapes - volcanoes, glaciers, geysirs, hiking - and i don't much like tropical heat, so I think NZ's tops.
Doing multiple shorter trips has an overhead in flight costs and jetlag, but then some people are happier touching base at home. Travel can be lonely and exhausting even if it's fun.
Tell us more about what you want to find and maybe some people will have more suggestions. :-)
Hmm okay well yeah I'm just looking for a time to be free really and discover myself, as cliché as it sounds.
I love the culture of other countries mainly and the landscapes like you say, I wouldn't want to just be idling around all day everyday but partying isn't my objective in the slightest.
I kind of want to separate myself from "reality" by exploring and get a sense of the lifestyle across the world.
I think I'd rather do it all in one go but obviously I have no idea how that would work out although I'm not really the type to get home-sick easily.
Sounds good.
Ok, your possibilities: (and sorry for broad generalisations)
USA and Canada - v expensive
Europe - easy to do in weekends and short trips (I've got the impression you're in the UK)
Africa - difficult
East Asia - mostly expensive
Central Asia - difficult
Middle East - fairly difficult
So you can see why a lot of the traffic on here is about a/nz, s e Asia and s America.
Of those, s America has less backpacker infrastructure, eg fewer cheap flights.
Hence the kangaroo route is the direction a lot of people head - interesting, but there'll usually be plenty of fellow backpackers at hand for company, help, and cost sharing.
I'd say have a read up on countries that interest you, decide a few specific objectives you'd like to see or do (cities to see, hikes to do, adventure experiences), and let that shape an itinerary while leaving some flexibility. Don't overplan, maybe just a framework of flights and first nights accomm prebooked.

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