trendy123 has indicated that this thread is about Ireland
Hi, im heading over im from Dublin Heading over in 6 weeks.. Have you anything planned
nutting so far, wanna work but also travel round, were are you going first? and are you going it alone?
Yep heading alone, Im flying out of Dublin on the 28th November, heading over to Abu Dhabi & Dubai for a few nights with some friends, then il land in Brisbane on the 03rd December. Hoping to backpack my way down the east coast......... Will be working and travelling too
Hi. I'm here already, travelled a bit of the east coast. It's great.
Which airport do you Land at?
hi kerrs, fair play, i can go any time i haven't booked it yet, but im looking for someone to travel with, and share a hell of an experince been something I've wanted to do ages now, but everyone i know is tied down
So get your ass in gear and book it... You can come with me id love the company, You can Private Mail me or get me on Facebook. Il mail you my details x
sweet i'm gonna get it all sorted, yeah send it all on to me and ill chat to you about it there, gotta find out all the details
guys just one question
how do you manage to contact each other in private, since personal details are prohibited in here?
By exchanging further contact details via private message. Click on someone's username to go to their profile, and then on the big green "send message" button.

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