Hey everyone
Hiya Lisa, I'm flying from Heathrow on the 28th of November. Also going on my own and getting slightly nervous about the whole thing!! I've booked up oz intro for the first week but haven't got any think planned after that :-/ how long you you staying in Sydney for ? :-)
Yeah it's getting closer and closer and I'm just constantly thinking about it, have no idea what to expect! I'm in Sydney for a month, got central Sydney booked for first week while I acclimatise, then second week I booked for Bondi today. (YHA Bondi). I'm excited, but also sh*tting myself! How long are you in Sydney for, and how long in Australia in general?
Ha don't worry I'm shitting myself as well lol, I've got no real plans but I think I'm gunna wanna stay in Sydney untill after Christmas and New Years etc and go from there. Was also planning to go to New Zealand at sum point maybe for a couple of weeks. Not sure when I'm gunna be coming home my return flight is in march so hopefully stay out there untill then! all depends on getting work tho as only got a bit of money saved lol. Are you gunna be working at all? What's your plan after Sydney ? :-)
Yeah I'm in Sydney til first week of Jan then I'm gonna try and head out, as it'll rinse my money to stay!! I don't know if I want to go to Melbourne, I'm mainly planning on winging it, seeing who I meet in the first couple weeks and then tagging into their plans! I eventually want to head north, standard east coast trail
I don't have a return flight, I booked one way!! I reckon I'll be back some time around March April though as money won't last forever. I have a whv but I don't think I'll end up working unless I find a place or group of people that make me want to stay longer! See how long the money lasts
I'd like to do NZ as my brother lives there at the moment, but all money dependant! Damn those pieces of paper that have so much value!!
So how come you're heading to Aus? Are you leaving a job, or just taking a break?
Just always really wanted to go to Australia, i think the whole place looks amazing! been wanting to do it for years was gunna go with two mates but they dropped out and I was like I'm still going lol.Not leaving a job as such cuz im self employed.Yea was thinking east coast as well, seems to be the done thing!! will probs tag on with another group myself!! Yea the money is abit of a worry, do you mind me asking how much your taking? ive got about £2500 not really sure if thats enough ?trying to save as much as I can at the moment!! That's cool about your brother, what part of Nz is he staying in? What made you pick oz? X
Have sent you an inbox message! L x
Hi guys! I'm zoe and I'm 20 from south London I'm flying from heathrow next week will arrive Thursday and like you I am shitting a brick as I'm travelling alone! Have similar sort of travel plans but nothing set in stone would be great to hear from you both.
Zoe xx
Hey Zoe!
Where are you staying when you arrive? Do you know how long you'll be in Aus?
Lisa x
Hi Lisa
I'm staying in a hostel in central Sydney for a few days and I've done a similar thing to the oz intro which I'm hoping will mean I can meet as many people as possible etc. and I'm not really sure how long I'm gonna stay for just wait and see haha! I'm so so nervous but obviously excited how long will you be staying for were are you staying?
Zoe x

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