hi all, so i'll be flying from Darwin to Adelaide around end of January. My visa runs out in September so my plan is to travel from Adelaide up as far as Cairns by august/sept. But i'll be hopin to find afew fruit farm jobs in between for a couple weeks here and there to fund me along. Would be good to have a couple travel mates to share the experience. Just sold my car so will travel the coast either by greyhound, catch lifts with people or maybe we could hire a wickedcamper is anyone was up for that? Let me know anyways, cheers :-)
Hi jen
i'm going to brisbane on the 31st december and probably catch a flight to darwin around the 15th of january to head down to adelaide by doing the ozexperience. so at the end of january i count being in adelaide in the end of the month. Im travelling solo and one of my "wanted things to do" on this trip is renting a wickedcamper. In 2006 i travelled with my parents and brother in a winnebago van and at that time i check out the wickeds and i thought "someday..." heheh
so if you are interested just say something.

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