Hi, I'm planning a trip with two friends.
While I am getting set for my first big travel experience, I will say, from what I've read you can make travel as expensive or as cheap as you want.
The biggest costs you're likely to encounter are travel, accommodation, food and entertainment.
Travel: To keep it cheap: Stay in places longer and visit less places, book ahead to find deals
Accommodation: Hostels over Hotels to keep it cheaper
Food: I'm guessing will be cheap in SE Asia. But splitting meals at restaurants and taking advantage of the markets
Entertainment: Don't drink your face and you'll save money. Pick must do things. There's lots of ways to experience a city/country without spending a load on touristy things.
just cook for yourself more often than not and watch how much you drink. also try to work at hostels for free accommodation if you plan on staying anywhere for a few weeks. Making a few beds and cleaning a few toilets could save you $25 a night in NZ
most importantly don't skimp on the things you can only do while traveling.
When I was in NZ a bunch of friends went out swimming in kaikoura and were surround by hundreds of dolphins....
I didn't go because I was broke and at the end of my trip and I would have had to put $150 on my credit card. In the long run, $150 is nothing, and now I completely regret that decision.
It all depends on the choice of your accommodations, travelling modes and the activities that you plan to take. India and Thailand are definitely quite cheap in terms of travelling (go for overland travel) and also accommodation and food. you can try couchsurfing if you want to find some travelling mates to stay with. New Zealand being the hub for adventure activities would cost you more as these things usually do not come too cheap
Do not assume that travel in India is inexpensive. It all depends on: your level of tolerance/adaptability, budget, and objectives. In metros like Mumbai and Delhi, hotels can ange from $500 to $60 a night - without breakfast. You can also find dingy, crowded accommodations for less, but its not worth it. Small towns are musc better, but you have to watch out for touts and louts!
My sister - a retired school teavher from Nova Scotia runs a B and B in a suburb of Delhi. I have stayed at her place and I highly recommend the same. The location of this place is not convenient (one hour drive to city centre), but its cheap, clean, free wifi, Canadian paintings (!), free breakfast, modern and new facilties (AC, furniture, plasma TV etc.). Also, she provides transportation to and from the airport and various locations in and around Delhi, including Agra.
She also has a property in Dehradun/Mussoorie with same options. Once you say in Delhi, you might to continue on to Dehradun.
Best of luck!

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