I'm flying out early feb but to Melbourne, how long are you in Sydney for?
Hey Lucy, not really sure how long I'll be in Sydney yet.. As nice as it is I've been before and it's too easy to get stuck there. Saying that I'm a nurse and apparently there's more jobs there and Melbourne, so would say I'll be syd/Melbourne for a gd couple months until the weather gets better in QLD, then hit the coast! So much I missed last time, I can't wait!
Let me know how ur getting on, it's a massive area but we're all doing similar things so we may well be in same place at some point ! x
Yeah definitely, I have no plans to be honest, I'm just gonna see what happens if I find work I'll stay in Melbourne, if not I'll explore and move on and look for work somewhere else, I've heard it's not too difficult to find work though
You've been before?
If you have Facebook add me
Hey Lucy, sorry for late reply.
Cant find u on fb but i'll PM u my email and u can add me from there if ya want!
As for working out there, there is work but around this time of year/jan/feb it can be pretty hard to find (other than fruit picking) as look how many people on here are going at the same time and looking themselves, let alone everyone thats already out there.. When i went the first time, which was 6yrs ago so things may have changed?! me and my best mate didnt work for the first 5mths as couldnt find anything, and we were up for doing pretty much any kind of job there was! Because of that we ended up coming back in ALOT of debt on credit cards, so if u can try and take as much money as u can get with u!! Having said that, i am pretty gd at spending my money like water so as long as uve got a bit and not reliant on getting a job straight away u should be fine!
Hope this helps ya x

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