When going to oz in Jan my friends sister seems to think you need a visa to " stop " in china .... I think he got it wrong as I'm only stopping there for three hours not leaving the airport?
Wikitravel says "Most airports allow a 12-hour stay without a visa so long as you do not leave the airport"
You don't need a visa for China if you're only stopping for 3 hours and not leaving the airport. A transit visa is only required for stops of 24 hours or more.
You don't need a visa for China if you're only stopping for 3 hours and not leaving the airport. A transit visa is only required for stops of 24 hours or more.
to backup what bex wrote (number 4 on that page).
thank you very much
I don't think you need a visa if you arne't planning on leaving the airport, but if you are then you need a transit visa. There's more information on visas at this site: -snip-
No Visa needed for a stopover. My mum flew to Australia last year with a stopover and she didn't require anything. You just stay in the airport grounds before travelling on.

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