I know there has been quite a few posts regarding travelling to SE Asia in late 2012/ early 2013 but i was wondering if anyone was planning on going to the full moon party on either christmas or NYE. Would be good to meet up with some people for either of these and perhaps continue travelling SE Asia afterwards. Im flying to Bangkok on the 17th December for a duration of 3-4 months and pretty flexible on the route i'll take. 21, M, from the UK.
Hi smallzz
Im leaving the UK for bangkok on 19th december, i will be heading to koh phangan for the full moon party. Was planning on getting there for NYE party, via as many other places as possible before that date.
Would be good to meet, im 21 M from the UK aswell.
[ 20-Nov-2012, at 02:10 by roysten10 ]
sounds good roysten10, you got any plans after NYE? You on facebook at all? Easier to talk and arrange something on there.
Hi, me and my friend are going to the NYE full moon party, then who knows where after!
I reckon its going to be mental over there!
yeah, should be! you booked any accommodation at all?
Hey -
I'm a 27 year old male from Los Angeles traveling to BKK to relax/full moon party/travel to cambodia/vietnam/back to the islands. I'm going alone and would really like to meet up some people.
Yeh we are staying in Bangkok for one night then flying to koh samui the next day, we have booked a hostel on koh phagan but I have no idea wat one as a friend has done it :s
And u? Where u staying?
mike2012, when you arriving in bangkok? coodleme, i'm flying to bangkok on the 17th december before making my way down to koh phangan for christmas and NYE, booked a hostel in had rin which should be good.
I'm flying in to BKK on the 13. I'll be in thailand until the 18th of Jan.
I planned on going to FMP on Xmas and NYE..
add me on FB. would be cool to meet up: facebook.com/mike.assayag
Also -
wow, you already booked your room for NYE? I'm hoping if I get there 10 days before Xmas I should be able to find a place. It's the day before/day of thing I worry about... Is this wrong to think? Which place did you rent in had rin?

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