Sydney late March 2013

Im hopefully flying out to Sydney on the 30th March 2013 from manchester. Arrive in Sydney on the 1st. Wouldnt mind knowing one or two people before i flew out. Meeting them when im there for a beer or two. Hoping to find a job in Sydney for awhile before moving up the east coast. Also, hopefully find some fruit picking/packing work for 3 months to get my 2nd year visa at some point. One to two years in Oz depending on how things go then over to Thailand/Vietnam/Cambodia and Laos for a month or two. Im 22, graduated uni and wanna travel abit before i settle down with a career etc. . If anyones travelling around the same time/area, get in touch. Would be good to hear from people in the same boat.

Hey I'm travelling New Zealand early Feb and fly to Melbourne early March, hoping to head Sydney way towards the end of March. After that I'm travelling up the east coast to cairns and back to Brisbane to fly home. I'm only in Oz for two and a half months but a travel buddy for a short while is better than no buddy at all! You hoping to do your travelling first before getting work or just along the way?


Hey. Im planning on spending atleast a week or 2 in Sydney and maybe get a job in Sydney after that. If not, im hoping to travel up the east coast and find some work somewhere along the way. Fruit picking/packing/farm work would be ideal. Im not trying to plan to much in advance as things dont usually go to plan anyway you going oz on a tourist visa then?


Hey Jay,
My plans are pretty similar, flying 2nd march to Sydney looking at getting a job there going up the east coast and doing regional work in Cairns!
I also want to see Thailand, Cambodia, Laos etc n as many places as my money will allow!
I've not made any proper plans yet though except my visa n a one way flight!


Hi there,

I have simular plans - I'm heading off travelling to Thailand from Dec 6th to Feb 15th, then fly to Sydney - my current plan is to find work there (hopefully) for a few months, then travel up the coast with the aim to get regional fruit picking work so I can have the option of a 2nd year!!

I'm 28, job got made redudant at the end of September - had friends travelling around Asia (they set off on Nov 1st), meet them in Vietnam on Dec 10th, I had been talking about doing the WHV for a while and with getting closer to the cut off age date it was a now or never moment so I'm doing it!!

So would love to meet up with people doing the same for beers in Sydney!!


Hi Matthew

So you arrive in sydney around feb 15th? I'll be landing in Sydney the morning of april 1st id everything goes to plan. sounds spot on the same plan as me. I wanna earn enough in sydney to travel up the coast up to Cairns whilst looking for some 2nd year visa work. Itd be good to hear about Asia and that as youd have already been and I plan to go after Oz. Thats the spirit, why not do it now whilst you can mate. Happy days. a few beers in Sydney it is. Having already been in Sydney a month when i land, youl be able to give me the low down on things. ha

Same as you Ruth, i'll have a one way ticket and a few nights hostel sorted when i land. Gonna try sort my bank and that out before i leave the UK. Regional work in Cairns sounds spot on. How long do you plan on staying in Sydney for? and when are you after doing SE ASIA? Like straight after Oz? Ive also got my visa sorted.


[ 13-Nov-2012, at 14:38 by jay90 ]

Yeah I'm also going to look at getting my bank sorted before I leave and going to book in to a hostel for a week or so and see what happens!
Probably looking at staying in Sydney for about 4-6 months depending on work! I would like to do Asia after my first year in oz n then if I get my 2nd year visa and I don't want to go home go back to Oz, but my funds will be the deciding factor of how long I travel in Asia!

Good to know I'm not the only one crazy enough to do this on my own ha

Ive sent you a pm Ruth.

Sydney late March 2013

Sydney late March 2013

Sydney late March 2013

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