Anyone planning to go out to Belgium this year? The thread from last year was most helpful but now we need to plan for this year.
I'll be there! Already booked flights and hotel from Chicago!
Bring on Tomorrowland!
Are the tickets already on sale? :O
No tickets go on sale in april.
Yes going from London...waiting for tickets...then to get pickled like a pickled onion sandwich in ToMoRrOwLaNd........ follow me on twitter #globaleye1
I wanna go but don't wanna book planes n shit till I know I can actually get a ticket to the festival!
Any one who went last year know what the chances are of actually getting one because I heard last year they sold out in minutes!
Hey guys!
I got my ticket and going solo from Milan!
any of you people got tickets and would like to meet up!?

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