Hi Claire,
I'm also going to oz in the beggining of january to start my first solo backpacking experience. In 2006 I was there with my family for 20days and we travelled a lot but on a campingVan. This time is going to be a litle bit different
I will be in brisbane sometime and then go to north. I already checked out some trips and i'm thinking about doing an ozexperience pack. But I will see how it goes.
If there's more people at that time there, it would be great to meet someone in the same situation
Hope to ear from more adventures backpackers
Hi Jay,
Good to hear from ya. Are u flying into Brisbane at start of Jan then? I originally thought there too but I keep changing my mind! I'll be over there towards the mid to end of January and will hopefully do a month or two of travelling before looking at stopping somewhere for a bit to work. U planning on working out there? heard a few say about Oz experience etc, sounds like a gd way of meeting people to start with. U'll have to let us know how your getting on! Where u from? I'm just outside London.
Hey Claire,
I've just booked the flight to arrive in brisbane on the 31st of december and today just checked out the backpack that I'll use. nothing else... Its going to be 6weeks of nervous and inpanciency heheh
I'm from portugal but was bourne in melbourne, just stayed there for 4 years, so I'm going to explore my home land dont know anything.
I just ended a 3year period of working in africa so now its the perfect time to go to oz. for the ozexperience, check out the website and see the packs they offer. throw out the trip I'm thinking about working also, after some time travelling of course money doesnt long for ever.
Keep in touch
Hi Clare,
Im also travelling solo, I land in Sydney in 3 weeks time so you can imagine how nervous im starting to get.
I have also been to Oz before, just last year travelling the east coast for 3 months - best 3 months of my life (so far anyway) lol
I dont have any set plans, just to get there, have fun and see what others are doing and pretty much deciding from there.
Im guessing you might have done some farm work to get your 2nd year visa?? If so, what what that like?
Hi Clare,
I'm also a nurse..well just graduated and got w WHV...but not sure whether i'm going to work as a nurse whilst i'm out there as i don't think i'll have the time. I fly into sydney on the 28th december but if you ever are in the same area and fancy a drink or something then i'm game
Hey again Jay - wow it sounds like your a well accomplished traveller already! I take it you have an australian passport then.. that must make things much easier. Im still undecided about where to fly into, to start with (thats the only reason i havent booked flights yet!) Was originally thinking of QLD as was where i know best and have friends in far north QLD, but im now starting to think Sydney or Melbourne is a better idea and work my way up the coast following the weather. Let us know how your getting on. If your on facebook send me a msg on here and i'll add ya, much easier!
Hey Julie,
Good to hear from ya! Three weeks aye.. bet u cant wait!!! Is this the first time on your own then? Yeah i did the 3mths farm work and really enjoyed it - its hard graft and alot of people dont even last the week (one left mid morning ! ) but its a great way to save some cash as well as the visa. Me and my mate Jem partied a little too much when we first got there last time so we had to find some way of isolating ourselves and saving..
How long you over for? Im looking at mid Jan at the min but keep changing my mind about where to start.. leaning more towards Sydney or Melbourne tho as thats where the sun will be in Jan- dont fancy qld monsoon weather.
Where u from? You'll have to keep in touch and let me know how your getting on.. u never know we may end up in the same place at some point... if you send me details i'll add ya on facebook as easier than logging in here all the time!!
Hey Georgie,
Congrats on finishing, where'd u do your training? Aus is a great reward! How long are you thinking of going for? As for nursing out there if you havent applied/received your Aus nursing registration already then i wouldnt bother if i was you, as it takes months and alot of paperwork/hassle to get sorted!
I wanted the option of working as a nurse incase i loved it so much i wanted to stay beyond the yr again. Being on my second year visa means after that, nursing sponsorship would be my only other option! Being in Sydney for nye will be amazing (dead jealous) have you got somewhere lined up to stay as accomodation disappears quickly around the holidays?!
Let me know how your getting on will ya,if on facebook msg me and if we're about at same time, maybe we'll be able to grab a beer or 10! x
I did it in Nottingham, you? Hopefully going for 8 months or something but not sure yet, what about you? I didn't know i needed an australian registration too? So good job i'm not gonna do it then haha. Yeah ive got two nights booked but that's it, probs just sleep on the beach for the next two nights. Yeah will definitely do that, sounds good

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