First time travelling that far....HELP lol

Im planning on travelling to Cairns for a 3 week holiday and as you cant book so far in advance, im looking to find a rough idea on what flights would cost travelling from Glasgow, Scotland to Cairns, Queensland economy and which airlines would be best.

You can't book so far in advance? Flights generally on sale about a year ahead of time.

Figure on £1000, rule of thumb. But it depends when, and your routing. Have a play on - a quick search got me £867 in June.
That was Glasgow - Cairns; if you're willing to muck around at either end - say get yourself to Manchester or London, fly into Sydney, maybe you can shrink the fare.

A lot of it is about supply and demand, using the popular competitive routes where airlines are battling it out, which works to your benefit.

Also, you usually trade convenience for price. Long layovers or unsocial hours will be cheaper, it's up to you how much pain you want to take.

[ 21-Jan-2013, at 12:23 by Andyf ]

Thx for that Andy, Iv been having a nosey at flights like for example 3-24 June 2013 and found some coming up just under the £1,000 mark, just wondered if prices will be roughly the same or do they have a habit of going up each year?, times arent an issue as my daughter will be older by then, how much would be appropriate to take for spending for that period of time?

[ 21-Jan-2013, at 13:32 by kas036 ]

Should be the same ballpark. The only regular spike I know of is December when all the Aussies and Kiwis want to go home for Christmas - round about the 9th of December it jumps up a few hundred quid till new year.

Sadly AirAsia dropped their UK-KL-Aus route as they couldn't make it pay doing long-haul no-frills, and they were VERY cheap. The next shake-up on the horizon for the Kangaroo Route is when the Airbus A350-900R arrives and British Airways and Virgin battle it out offering non-stop services from the UK to Australia. But that won't be for a few years. :-)

As to spending money, impossible to say as I don't know what you'll be doing. Hiring a car? Bussing? (You can research costs of both from the comfort of your PC.) Eating in fancy restaurants or beans on toast at your accom? Just based in Cairns for the duration?! More likely touring so you've a choice of tour costs. Tourist activities can add up - boat trips, diving, scenic railways. It all depends how you live.

wont be driving i dont have licence so anywhere I go would be by public transport, as for accom, we'll be staying with family but they will still have their jobs to go to unless they book some time off while we are living with, but want to keep options open as what to do/go if and when they do have to go to work lol.

are tourist places far from Bently Park as thats the area our family stay?

Dunno, I've not been to Cairns.

You're going all that way and *just* doing Cairns and surroundings? I'm sure your flight is going to route in via somewhere else, perhaps Sydney - surely you'll take a few days to see Sydney?

Have a read of the for some ideas on things to do in the area. Not sure where your family is in regards to the centre of Cairns - maybe you can ask them about costs into the city from there?

I vaguely recall my mother having a daily budget of $100 for a family of four on our holidays, so I hope that helps in some way.

First time travelling that far....HELP lol

First time travelling that far....HELP lol

First time travelling that far....HELP lol

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