i want to travel but not alone


Hello, where were you thinking of travelling to? And il be in SEA in october if that suits you?

hello i havent really thought about it yet i wanted to get out of europe and maybe australia thailand new zeland them kind of places im looking to go twards the end of theyear

There's tons of companies that do semi organised departures to Australia/NZ. In the UK, BUNAC comes to mind, but there's also realgap, gap360 and a bunch of others I'm sure. STA and that type of travel agency usually also have soft landing type packages where you get a place to stay and some basic help the first few days after arriving.

Hi, I have the exact same problem. But After a long hard think and weeks of browsing over the internet iv come to the conclusion the majority of backpackers/travelers are alone and make there companions along the way. So I started saving for my first trip last week....Australia hopefully at the end of this year. There are several companys that offer introductions to there own countrys across the world...Im going to use OzIntro. They are reltively cheap and everything is similary priced as what you would pay on your own but with the benifits of help and the oppurtunity to meet people. Take a look at there site through google. Im looking to make a list of people who would be up for meeting at local hostels, companions for a day or two. It was something suggested by a hostel i phoned. I think traveling to your destination will be the only alone part of it.....im sure youl make friends as i hope i do. if not think of the peace and quiet. .

Hi there

Wherever you go you'll find a travelling community and if you follow main routes, stay in hostels and are willing to be a little brave and make the effort with people you don't know then you won't feel like you are travelling alone.

You could always start with an organised tour (will make your travelling more pricey), and then as you get more confident/are out somewhere you could carry on alone.

I traveled 3 months across south america by myself, I was quite nervous about doing it as the first time travelling alone but I made some amazing friends along the way and I think I had less than a handful of days when I was by myself.

Hope you find a way to embrace your dream to travel...you won't regret it

hello sir where where you are going.

Hi there,

I was recently in the same boat as you, and decided on a group tour as I am a young female who wanted to travel to Asia. I chose this option one: because I didnt have any one to go with me at the time and two: to have the security of a group being a lone female traveller. Although it may seem like an old person kind of thing, a lot of tour companies offer tours for younger groups of people as well. I booked through G Adventures and went on a "yolo" trip style which was ages 18-35 through South East Asia for one month. It was amazing!! The best part about G was they arrange the accommodations and transportation throughout the trip but in each destination you can do as you please and not be stuck doing a boring tour or something you don't want to be doing. Your trip leader tells you points of interest and cool things to see and will help you organize doing something special or different that you've always wanted to do. I got to meet so many great people (it was nice being on my own as well since Ive heard travelling with friends can get sticky after long periods of time). I would definitely recommend it if you're worried about being on your own but want to see the world! Hope this helps =)

Your situation sounds the same as mine! people and Thier bloody boyfriends etc . Zzzzz. I've decided I'm going on my own aswell . Thailand end if June July kind of time. You got any plans ? X

i want to travel but not alone

i want to travel but not alone

i want to travel but not alone

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